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什麼是凍乾? What is Freeze Dried?使用「冷凍乾燥技術」製作的生肉餐食, 首先將新鮮食材急凍, 再經過真空低溫乾燥程序描取食材中的水份, 就成為凍乾, 可常溫保存,使用常溫送貨。 Freeze Dried is a drying process that removes the moisture in our food, whereas at the same time remain all the nutrients. Freeze dried food is easy to store & transport.
GoodNoze 凍乾是主食嗎? Is GoodNoze a completed diet ?是的, GoodNoze凍乾主食餐符合AAFCO 美國的寵物營養標準,可做為長期主食食用, 適合任何年齡及階段的貓狗。 Yes GoodNoze is completed diet and formulated to meet AAFCO's standard for all life stages and all breed.
GoodNoze 開封後需要放雪櫃嗎? Do I need to put GoodNoze in the fridge ?不需要, 每次取完餐食份量後, 只需把袋內的空氣擠出, 然後沿包裝袋的封條密封放在陰涼處便可。 由於成分天然無添加物,開封後請盡快食用完畢。 No, you do not need to put GoodNoze into the fridge. Simply squeeze out the air from the package and zip up everytime you take out the portion. Store the package and cool dry place. As we do not add preservatives into our recipe, it is advised to finish the pack as soon as possible.
GoodNoze 可以混合乾糧一起食用嗎? Can I mix GoodNoze with kibbles?可以一餐給凍乾,一餐給乾糧。 凍乾因為是生食, 而毛孩們消化生食跟熟食的時間不一樣, 以免引起腸胃的不適, 建議不在一餐裡面同時將凍乾和乾糧混合。 It is not suggested to give freeze dried with kibbles in the same meal, as our furry friends' digestion process for cooked & raw food are different.
GoodNoze凍乾需要加水嗎? Do I have to add water?可以加水, 也可以乾吃, 主要看毛孩自己的喜好。 如果乾食的話, 一定要給毛孩們補充足夠水份。 GoodNoze can be served plain or with water, depends on your furry friend's preference.
GoodNoze 凍乾符合任何標準嗎? Does GoodNoze meet any standard?GoodNoze 的營養符合AAFCO 的貓狗主食標準, 是適何全品種和全年齡的毛孩們. All GoodNoze recipes comply with AAFCO's standard and are balanced completed food for both cats & dogs.
GoodNoze 如何配送訂單?我們使用SF 順豐快運, 購物滿$500.00 免費送貨, 詳情請參閱送貨頁面。
我沒有信用卡, 可以購買嗎?"我們暫不接受其他付款方式, 如需使用其他付款方式, 請向就近零售點查詢。
官網上的貨存已經無貨, 我是否仍可以下單?"官網上的實際庫存, 如您想購買的糧食已無貨, 請向其他零售點查詢。
如何開始轉食GoodNoze? How should I introduce GoodNoze to my furry friends?由於GN 凍乾是高肉類的主食, 如果毛孩是由乾糧轉換至GN需要慢慢轉換, 建議至少7-14天的轉換期以減少腸胃不適, 由1-3天 20% 開始, 逐漸增加. 每個毛孩的適應時間都不一樣, 需要耐心進行. Introducing GN to your furry friend slowly by adding a little amount to their current diet. It is suggested at least 7-14 days for whole transitional period
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